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According to a recent article in the Times newspaper, the addition of metal railings to the exterior of a property is not only an essential part of the homes design but can also play a role in adding value and kerb appeal. The article goes on to report that one of the top 10 most desirable additions a terraced property can have is matching railings and gates. Closely followed on the list though is a well kept hedge and original door fixtures and fittings.

Saxon metal railings and side pedestrian gate

What Makes Railings and Gates So Desirable?

With many period homes stripped of their gates and railings during the war it has left many properties with low boundary walls that are no longer in keeping with the architectural style of the building.

By reinstating metal railings in a design that is sympathetic to the property, it can transform the look of the home without it costing the earth and return the appearance to as near original as possible.

 In addition to this, because the wall is now higher and more difficult to climb over, it will also act as a deterrent to thieves and trespassers.

As for the reinstatement of a wrought iron gate, not only will it lead to a more uniform appearance when viewed from the street but will also restrict access to passers-by, add more privacy and ultimately provide peace of mind your homes main access point is well protected.

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